Thursday, September 12, 2024

Planning Ahead for Widowhood: Changed Income and Expenses


I live in an age 55+ community in Florida and have observed conversations among residents (primarily women) who are mentally preparing for widowhood. They know the statistics about women outliving men and have done the math. This is especially true for those who are younger and have better health habits than their husbands. 

A few have plainly stated “as soon as he dies, I’m outta here,” to reduce expenses or to live closer to family or in a lifecare community or assisted living facility.


This post describes five changes in income and expenses that widowed persons can expect:


Reduced Income- I heard this example at a recent seminar. A married couple has four monthly income streams: $2,500- husband’s pension, $2,000- husband’s Social Security, $800- wife’s pension, and $1,500- wife’s Social Security for a total of $6,800 ($81,600 annually). If the husband dies first, the wife is left with $1,250 (50% of husband’s pension), $800-wife’s pension, and $2,000 (highest Social Security) for income of $4,050 ($48,600 annually). This is a 40% “haircut,” which some couples cover with spousal gifts, annuities, and/or life insurance.


If the wife dies first, the husband might receive a higher pension benefit because there will no longer be a reduction for spousal benefits. The wife’s pension and Social Security would go away, however, which could still result in a decrease in household income. For simplicity, this example did not include savings like IRAs, which would provide an additional income source.


Reduced Expenses- Monthly expenses will likely decrease when one spouse passes away. Some estimates project a 20% to 30% drop, which can help offset a drop in income. A car might be sold, thereby reducing costs for loan payments, gas, and auto insurance. In addition, less food is needed and the cost of the deceased’s health insurance ends. Entertainment and travel expenses may also decrease when a surviving spouse loses their “traveling companion.”


Tax Considerations- Income taxes often increase for the surviving spouse, who will be filing a tax return as an individual instead of as a married couple filing jointly. Single taxpayers have lower income ranges for each of the seven marginal tax brackets currently in effect as well as lower income “triggers” for tax on Social Security benefits, the Medicare premium surcharge called IRMAA (income-related monthly adjusted amount), and the net investment income tax.


Changes in Housing- Widowhood often precipitates a change in housing if the surviving spouse feels that the marital home is too large to maintain or too expensive to afford on one income. Other rationales for moving include wanting to live closer to, or with, family members and the need for care in an assisted living facility or continuing care retirement community.


New Household Expenses- New household expenses are common to provide services that a deceased spouse performed previously. Examples include lawn mowing, tax preparation, and driving to an airport. In addition, older widowed persons who live alone may decide to get a medical alert system or a monitoring service that checks in on their well-being daily.

This post provides general personal finance or consumer decision-making information and does not address all the variables that apply to an individual’s unique situation. It does not endorse specific products or services and should not be construed as legal or financial advice. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Take-Aways From a Back-to-School Virtual Conference

Each year in August, Next Gen Personal Finance holds an all-day Back-to-School Virtual Conference for financial educators. I recently attended part of this program to learn about topics related to my work for clients. I firmly believe that, when you are well versed on current events, you enhance your credibility with clients and students. 

Below are six of my content take-aways:

Generative AI Prompts- Users need to “poke and prod” prompts for generative AI programs (e.g., ChatGPT, Bing, and Gemini) to get what they want. The more detail, the better. For example “Explain AI to a 10-year old in 60 words or less” versus “Explain AI.” Be very specific. Examples: “Write your response in narrative form instead of a bulleted list” and “The tone should be casual and exciting.” Use AI output as a tool but make the final product your own.


Frictionless Spending- Due to increased use of financial technology (fintech) tools, the processes of spending and borrowing money have become much more seamless and hassle-free. While this is good from a convenience standpoint (i.e., quick transactions with minimal steps and obstacles), fintech tools can also enable overspending and overborrowing.


Dark Patterns- These are deceptive user interfaces on websites that trick people into doing things that they didn’t plan to do such as signing up for recurring payments, buying something, or sharing personal information. Three common places where dark patterns are used are online shopping, gaming apps (e.g., paying money to get to the next level of a game), and social media. For example, ads that pop up for items that you were just searching for online.


Confirm Shaming- This dark pattern method words the option to decline an offer in such a way that website visitors feel ashamed to proceed. Example: “So you really don’t want to save money?” Other dark patterns include making it very difficult to cancel a service or subscription that was so easy to sign up for (e.g., requiring a phone call) and “bait and switch” dark patterns that try to get consumers to upgrade when a low cost product or service is “unavailable.”


Inflation Rate- Good news! The U.S. inflation rate fell below 3% for the first time since 2021. Specifically, the consumer price index rose 2.9% from July 2023 to July 2024 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the increase in prices for goods and services has slowed considerably from mid-2022, we are not experiencing deflation (i.e., a sustained decrease in prices). Therefore, Americans cannot expect prices to go back to where they were in 2019.


Vehicle Purchases- The average price of a new vehicle is slightly under $50,000 and 96-month (8-year) car loans are becoming increasingly available. A longer loan term (e.g., 7 or 8 years vs. 4 or 5 years) reduces monthly vehicle loan payments but increases the total interest paid. According to a 2024 J.D. Power study, Toyota is the most reliable mass market brand followed by Buick (ranked second) and Chevrolet and Mini (both tied for third).


This post provides general personal finance or consumer decision-making information and does not address all the variables that apply to an individual’s unique situation. It does not endorse specific products or services and should not be construed as legal or financial advice. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.


Planning Ahead for Widowhood: Changed Income and Expenses

  I live in an age 55+ community in Florida and have observed conversations among residents (primarily women) who are mentally preparing for...