recently read a new report from
the U.S. Treasury Department titled Federal
Financial Literacy Reform: Coordinating and Improving Financial Literacy
Efforts. While the bulk of the report repeatedly encouraged federal
government agencies to coordinate their financial education efforts more
effectively, there were also some “nuggets” for everyday people. Below is some
take-away information that stood out to me:
education helps to reduce “information asymmetry.” This is where the provider
of a financial product or service knows more about it than consumers do.
Individuals who are financially savvy are better able to avoid frauds and scams
and sidestep risks that they do not fully understand.
education also helps society avoid “negative externalities” that result from a
less financially capable population. Examples include lender write-offs of
unpaid debt and the costs of a person’s poor financial decisions that is borne
by friends and family, government agencies, and others. Stated another way,
financial education plays an important role in the prosperity and financial
health of the nation.
6.5% of U.S. households are “unbanked.” This means that they lack a checking or
savings account with a bank or credit union. One major reason that people are
unbanked is bank account screening credit reporting agencies (CRAs). Over 80%
of banks use account screening CRA reports to decide whether to allow consumers
to open a checking or savings account.
In April
2018, the average FICO credit score was 704 out of a possible maximum of 850.
Less than 20% of consumers had a score of less than 600. An increasing number
of Americans have free access to their credit score through their bank or
credit card company. Only 36% of U.S. consumers obtained their credit report in
2018. Many report that they are not aware of the process for doing so through www.annualcreditreport.com.
have found that annual debt notification letters to students by higher
education institutions are effective tools in communicating the cost of college
and financing options. In fact, 12 states have passed laws to create mandates
for student debt letters. Debt letters summarize the amount that students have
borrowed to date and how much they can expect to pay once they graduate.